Dog Training Programs In Massachusetts
We'll meet you and your puppy at whatever training stage you're stuck at

Hayes Haus believes that dog training and behavior modification are very important aspects of any dog's life.
These two components will allow you to communicate with you dog through a shared language, both vocal and postural, as well as understand, assess and control/defuse confusing situations because you can see them from a dog's point of view.
Coexisting with your dog becomes easier when you've first learned how to see the world through their eyes. Only after this is learned can you start guiding your dog's behavior in the direction you'd like it to go, whatever this means for YOUR lifestyle.
So in many cases, dog training programs start with the owner (that's you), getting on the same page as your dog. We can start properly training your dog once these bases are covered, and eventually, start giving your dog the freedom he or she deserves.
If your dog behaves appropriately, he/she should be welcome to accompany you wherever you go.
The Two Dog Training Programs for Fall 2016 + Winter 2017
As of Fall 2016, we are offering two programs. One at our kennel in on the North Shore (board and train) and the other at your home (private lessons). If you're looking to buy a trained puppy, we suggest you check out our Quickstart puppy program.
Review each to discover which training option is best for you and your dog.
Which training program is right for me and my dog?
If you're wondering which training option is right for you and your dog, review the pages above.
For most behavioral challenges and training needs, private lessons will suffice.
If you still have questions, feel free to contact us by email: [email protected] or request more information through the forms on each individual page. Great family dogs are a combination of breeding and training.... And the dog training portion doesn't have to be difficult, although sometimes it can feel this way. Often, it's just about learning a few key strategies then applying them to a variety of scenarios you and your dog are often placed in.