German Shepherd Food
What does Hayes Haus regard as the best German Shepherd food?
How most dog food is stored and shipped...
Most dog food (even food considered the best dog food on the market to many) will be processed, then placed on a shelf at the manufacturer for weeks before it's sent to a distributor or pet store. From there, it sits longer (who knows how long?) before it gets to your home and your dog's food bowl.
Some brands even sit MONTHS before making their way to your dog's stomach...
To us, this is a scary proposition.
Why is TLC Pet Food a great German Shepherd food?
Reliable Food
TLC Pet Food has never had a recall- this is a HUGE reason why we feed it to all our dogs and consider it the best German Shepherd food available.
Certified Fresh
TLC Pet Food, and treats never hit a pet store chain, warehouse or grocery store. Their food is only delivered FRESH from them to your door, directly from the manufacturer.
Quality Ingredients
No wheat, corn, dairy!
No artificial flavors, colors or preservatives.