German Shepherd Information Archives - Hayes Haus

Category Archives for German Shepherd Information


German Shepherd Temperament: Ultimate GSD Buyer’s Guide

Do you keep coming across the same boring, unscientific descriptions of German Shepherd temperament on every dog information website you go to?Frustrating, isn't it?These generic 'personality trait' lists

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German Shepherd Puppy Pricing Guide 2016

German Shepherd Puppy Pricing + Lifetime Ownership Cost Analysis

Whether or not you should buy a German Shepherd puppy is the first question you’ll need to answer on your road to dog ownership, but we must first ask ourselves…

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german shepherd feeding

A Quick German Shepherd Feeding Guide

German Shepherd feeding and feeding dogs in general is a complex debate. One with many right and wrong answers…

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breeders vs shelters

Choosing The Right Dog; Breeders vs Shelters

Breeders vs Shelters… When choosing a dog that is right for you, many things come into play.  There are rewards and repercussions for every decision to be made. I’d like to start with the

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are prong collars humane

Are Prong Collars Humane? Dog Training Tool, or Torture?

The question “Are prong collars humane” is a complex one, and depends on a number of factors…

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